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Completed missions

Mandate - Haiti 2017

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CPAs Without Borders



CPAs Without Borders (CPAWB) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2013. CPAWB was founded by a group of CPAs, with the goal of using the skills of CPAs to contribute positively to the well-being of foreign communities in need.


CPAWB aims to, by its projects and field mandates, train and develop staff at foreign not-for profits, in fields of expertise related to the CPA profession. More specifically, in matters of financial management, governance & ethics, and sustainable development amongst other topics.



  • Location

  • Mandate timeline
    26-03-2017 to 09-04-2017

  • Duration of mandate
    2 weeks of on-site. Plus, preparation work required prior to travelling on-site on an as needed basis.



This mandate is the continuation of a mandate started in 2016. Whereby CPAWB partnered with Terre Sans Frontieres (TSF) and Sœurs de la Charité de Saint-Louis (SCSL). From hereon, SCSL will be referred to as “SCSL” or the “Organization”.


The mandate focused on the headquarters of the Organization along with 18 of the Organization’s teaching establishments which consists of approx. 15 700 students, 15 residences and 3 distribution centres. The overall goal of the mandate is to assist the Organization in its adoption of sound accounting practices.


About the organization


The Organization is a religious congregation that has operated in Haiti for over 70 years, as well as in Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, Mexico and other parts of North America, and France. The Organization primarily serves women and children in low-income areas.


CPAWB has entered into a partnership with the Organization. CPAWB will help the Organization as follows;


  • Provide training to staff teaching them how to perform cash and payment transactions within the country

  • Provide training to staff to teach them how to accurately record transactions in the Organization’s accounts

  • Provide training to the staff regarding compilation of financial data and budgeting training

  • Provide assistance on an ad-hoc basis so that the staff and stakeholders can be autonomous in the performance of routine accounting tasks


Objectives upon completion


  • Participants (staff and sisters) will have been adequately trained and able to produce reliable financial information

  • The financial management tools will be used correctly and continuously by the staff

  • The Finance & Admin department will be able to produce accurate financial information in line with accounting standards

  • Daily management and activities will have been facilitated




The selected candidate(s) will primarily perform the following tasks;


Preparation of the mandate : 


  • Familiarize oneself with the prior mandates completed by CPAWB for the Organization

  • Meet with CPAWB volunteers who performed the prior mandates. Discuss any relevant items

  • Participate in a pre-departure meeting


Execution of the mandate : 


  • Evaluate the knowledge acquired by the Organization’s staff from prior CPWAB mandates

  • Draft a report of findings and recommendations for potential improvement opportunities

  • Implement internal controls. The Organization would like assistance from CPAWB in creating a financial and admin policies and procedures manual.

  • Draft a daily journal to keep track and document the mandate


Post-mandate follow-up : 


  • Perform a follow-up and de-brief of the mandate

  • Draft a post-mandate report. Summarizing the mandate

  • Publish photos of the mandate for documentation purposes




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